2004 Grade 5 Camp Home Page



Welcome to the GlenKatherine Primary School 2004 Grade 5 Phillip Island Camp web site !

We hope that this web site serves as a reminder of the
tremendous experience that was Grade 5 Camp in 2004.

The web pages are designed so that they can be easily
printed on A4 paper in portrait configuration with margins
of 20mm all around.

Tell us what you think, give us
some feedback about this
website. Does it tell you what
you need to know? Was it easy
to use? Any suggestions... etc

                                       Glenn W. (Camp parent helper & webmaster)

Old notes:

Due to a minor hiccup we were unable to report on the first day but now we have brought the site up to date.

We have been provided internet access late in the evenings at the camp site so updates will be made between 11pm to
midnight for the same day's activities
during 7th - 11th June. Where possible, partial updates may be made between 4-5pm (but
this is unlikely). Come back here daily to find out what we have been up to and see any special notes on this page. We hope that this
web site will show you how your child is enjoying themself.

It's over. We came, we saw,
we enjoyed Phillip Island !!!
Everyone had a great time.

Mon Fine Mild
Tues Fine Mild
Wed Rain Cold
Thur Fine Cool
Fri Fine Mild