Before Rose and Jack...

(education for the under thirties)

it all started long ago

in a place known to them as “TARDIS” without the ‘the’

even short term companions were invited

she came to kill, but stayed to become a friend

the Doctor didn’t mind sharing Jamie with Ben

not sure about Polly though

got over qualms with Victoria
(perhaps it was the skirt)

and with Zoe...well!

substances were consumed

things got hot and exhausting

nasty headache in the morning though

oh crumbs

Picture sources: row 1 left and right, The Reign of Terror; row 2 left and right, The Daleks’ Master Plan; row 3 left, The Underwater Menace; row 3 right, The Faceless Ones; row 4 left, The Web of Fear; row 4 right, The Space Pirates; rows 5-6, The Space Pirates.