Pics sent to me by visitors to my site ... 
so far there are seven, maybe yours will be next?
Oh and thanks to everyone who has already contributed :)
Nancy sent in this one of her hubby and said: 
"His name is John, he is 47 years old from Kingston Ontario, presently in the military. He is always very proud to wear his kilt as he was born in Scotland." 
Tom from Chicago who says: 
"I wear mine at least once a week".

The Buchanans: Mathew, Dennis, & Christopher
after the Highland Games in Richmond Virginia
sent in by Dad, Dennis

"Kilted heretic" emailed this pic and said:
This is my Husband Connor enjoying a crisp January morning with some Hairy Coo's.
ahh who doesn't like a readhead? the one in the kilts not bad either!

Michael From Edmonton, Canada comments:
"I'm not sure if this will qualify, but I served with the Black Watch,
here is a pic, I'm third from Right. This is me with the Queen Mother"
ok technically we can't see the kilt but I thought the pic was sufficiently impressive to qualify :)

 Le "Tartan National Breton" 

 The généric Tartan Calédonia
Philippe is from near Paris France. His is originally from Breton and his ancestors lived in Strahclyde Kingdown in Scotland. He loves the Kilt so much he wears it 3 or 4 times a week even to work! Such kilted dedication in my opinion deserved both pics posted :)

PS: If you are a kilted bloke and you'd like to get your 
........... err .......... ummm ............................
pic on this page, send me an   and let me know!.
c'mon lads don't be shy I know there's more of you out there ;)

Please note that by sending in your picture you are automatically consenting to me altering the image as I see fit for publication on my website. Alterations may include (but are not limited to) cropping, resizing, enhancing colours, sharpening, brightening and gamma correction.

©All pictures on this page remain the property of their respective owners