09/11/2001... Apparently Hey Mercedes are coming ou like next year or something. Man, if they get brought out here by some coke huffing rock star promoter who puts them on a contract and charges $50 a ticket (remeber get up kids/at the drive in/jimmy hat world anyone?) and make them support fucking Lash or something, in the hope that they'll "break" over here, I fucking swear I'll turn into the INCREDIBLE HULK. I'm frickin' serious. I'll grow to 7 foot, turn green and start tearing kids' limbs out... Either that or I'll bitch for a while and then finally cough up the $400 for a ticket. But really, you can't do that to the band that was three quarters of BRAID. You just can't. Man judt the thought of it brings me to tears....

03/11/2001... yeah I'm going through one of those transitional phases this week where everything seems to be just changing completly, even the light looks different, it's like everytime I go through these changes, it's as if even the scenery goes a couple of shades lighter.... These past two days have been spent walking around my area, it's weird, that no matter how much you feel like you've outgrown your home town, you always have this strange affinity with it, and even though it looks like every other shitty suburb, you know it inside and out, and it's more than a suburb, it's a security blanket... it's as if no matter how much it changes, I can always find familiars that make me get all misty eyed and shit. I swung on the swings that I used to swing on when I used to partrol the area on my Kmart BMX, I walked past where the old rose farm used to be, which eventually got torn down, and then became an empty paddock where I used to light fires and smoke pot, then eventually turned in to a new housing estate with happy families and dogs and pools and gardens and shit. I guess it feels good to know that no matter what happens in my life, my area is always gonna be there forever..... society will crumble, humanity will die out, Ferntree Gully will live on for eternity....