
Characters used from the Trixie Belden Series are the property of Random House Publishing.

Characters used from the WWE are the property of the WWE or of themselves.

Characters used from the LotR triology are the property of JRRT's foundation

When in the case of using real names, I am not claiming that any of the events actually took place. I also do not claim to be affiliated with any of the people in question.

The use of real names is not intended to be disrespectful of anyone, or of anyone's family.

No profit is being made from these pages.

On a side note ... my "muse" is a fickle bitch. She doesn't visit often; and when she bothers, she generally leaves again when I'm only half way done.

Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe She is really a He?

My point being?

Don't expect frequent updates or anything like that.