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Author:  Albanian Daily News  

Publisher/Date:  September 7, 1999  

Title:  Kosovo Humanitarian Aid Sold in Albania  

Original location:

TIRANA - The head of the European Union’s Customs Assistance Mission (CAM) in Albania has accused non-governmental organisations of abuse with Kosovo-bound humanitarian aid.

"Tonnes of (humanitarian aid) goods, administered by several non-governmental organisations, are passing through customs without taxes being paid, but which end up in the hands of charlatans in the black market," said Natalina Cea. "These goods are then sold all over the Balkans," she added, without providing details or pointing at any specific organisation.

Cea said that market prices of several goods in Albania have not changed even though the imports of these goods have ceased. "Sugar is not being imported from other countries, but there is no lack of sugar and its price has not changed at all," the Italian said. "In my opinion the sugar being sold here was supposed to go to Kosovo."

Cea added that the same thing is happening with wheat being smuggled into Albania from Kosovo.

"These goods come from different countries. The international community should take care with the destination of the humanitarian aid," she said.

The head of CAM-Albania said that "big" humanitarian organisations such as the Red Cross, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees have prevented aid abuse. "These organisations have administered the aid themselves, handing them directly to the Kosovars," CEA said.

"The dark side of the story remains the small non-governmental organisations that mushroomed in Albania at the beginning of the Kosovo conflict, just to benefit from the humanitarian aid," she added.

CAM-Albania has prepared a report to be presented to the Albanian government and the European Union unveilling the smuggling between Albania and Kosovo.

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