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Author:  Tanjug (Yu)  

Publisher/Date:  September 27, 1999  

Title:  Yugoslav Government seeks full implementation of Resolution 1244  

Original location:

GENEVA - The head of Yugoslavia's standing mission at the U.N. Geneva seat, Ambassador Branko Brankovic, presented the representatives of international organizations with the Yugoslav government statement and demanded "immediate action regarding the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244" linked to the setting up of the "Kosovo Protection Force".

In a letter to U.N. Europe Bureau Director Vladimir Patrovski, U.N. Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinsin, Special Human Rights Rapporteur for the former Yugoslavia Jiri Dienstbier, International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent President Cornelio Sommaruga, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata, etc, Brankovic stated that by reaching an agreement with the KLA terrorists on the formation of the "Kosovo Protection Force", the representatives of KFOR and UNMIK violated Resolution 1244.

"Such an agreement, which is contrary to Resolution 1244, is absolutely unacceptable for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and is thus null and void," the letter said.

"We are specially concerned that KFOR, UNMIK and Bernard Kouchner are submitting reports which do not correspond to the truth regarding the fulfillment of the obligations for the disarming and demilitarisation of the KLA terrorists," the letter said.

"All these activities are a continuation of the conduct aimed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia and initiated by the NATO aggression and continued by KFOR, UNMIK and Kouchner - all of which are violating U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244," the letter said. Brankovic underscored that the Yugoslav government expected the international organizations to take the necessary steps towards the full respect and consistent implementation of Resolution 1244.

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