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Author:  Tanjug (Yu)  

Publisher/Date:  November 18, 1999  

Title:  UN's Robinson disputes Yugoslav sovereignty in Kosovo  

Original location:

GENEVA -- Head of the permanent Yugoslav U.N. mission in Geneva, ambassador Branko Brankovic has disclosed that U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson absolutely unfoundedly disputed the sovereignty of Yugoslavia in Serbia's southern province of Kosovo and Metohija in a report forwarded to the U.N. General Assembly.

Ambassador Brankovic said in a letter sent to Commissioner Robinson that her report on the activities of her Office aimed at enhancing and protecting human rights did not acknowledge U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, and did not respect and accept the sovereignty of Yugoslavia on all of its territory.

Brankovic said that the report stated that the state of human rights in Kosovo and Metohija had been a cause of the international community's concern for nearly a full decade, quoted statements made by the special U.N. rapporteur for the former Yugoslavia in 1993, and gave an arbitrary description of the situation which led to it described as an erruption of violence in 1998.

It is well known that the reports on which Commissioner Robinson's report relies, especially those of Mr. Mazowiecki, as special rapporteur, were extremely unobjective and based on lies fabricated by media centres, including CNN, and state centres, including the U.S. State Department, with a view to implementing a policy which is contrary to international law and the U.N. Charter, ambassador Brankovic set out.

It is incomprehensible that in the current dramatic situation for the Serbs and the other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, the same fabricated accusations about the alleged violations of the rights of the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija are again being repeated (and have been year after yaer), Brankovic said.

He underscored that the KFOR and the so-called KLA were in fact intensively working to ethnically cleanse Kosovo and Metohija of Serbs and the other non-Albanians. In other words, the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija is pursued with the blessings of the United Nations, which was never before the case in the history of the U.N, ambassador Brankovic set out.

Mary Robinson qualifies Serbs as an "ethnic minority group" in Serbia's southern province. At the same time, she alters the status of the Albanian national minority in the Republic of Serbia. Such a stand is contrary to the Constitutions of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia, constitutes an interference in the internal affairs of Yugoslavia and runs counter to the basic norms of international law which define minorities, ambassador Brankovic stressed.

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