Huggle or Slaps0r your mates - virtually!



1) slap1
2) slap2
3) Huggle1
4) Huggle2
3) Werghhh! 1

Select the virtual slap or huggle from above, and then enter your message below

Your Name
Your Email
Your Friends Name
Your Friends Email

Also, just to make it clear, you dont "have" to enter your own e - mail addy, but if you do you will get a confirmation that it is sent. Just to let you know that (as I dont have a php server) it uses OE or Outlook to work. I did have one instance of it working with hotmail, but I dont know if that does work always. If you really want to send a cyberslap/huggle/werghh!! but dont want to or cant do it this way, see below. Or if it doesnt work for some reason for you, then mail me me with all the details and Ill sort it out by hand ;)