Midnight Dreams
Monkey and Lauren wrote this in art one day. We had to answer some questions about a painting, like: What is my first impression? Whats the emotional impact? How do i feel? Believe it or not, it started out serious, but then Lauren added her random words...

Cant read it?: "My first impression was that the painting was very strange. I saw a wrinkly old twisted lady and it had a discomforting impact on my WALTER. I will never feel the same again. After i saw this WALTER i became a bitter and twisted soul. I feel FAT and HUNGRY. I am reminded of A BUG on a hot summers dah, struggling for its last breaths of the circle of life, ever so painfull in the long HUNGRY journey i like to call WALTER with its facinating rolls of fat. Every time i hear the wind blow it whispers the name WALTER..."