These poems were my starting point- it sort of shows some of the elements of nature that I have experienced. Winter’s Heart
A cold brisk evening;
Its breath is harsh and crisp,
Pervading the soul-
Invading the life,
Stealing passions away from me.

The stars are bright,
The heavens clear
With full moon rising-
A sight to fear,
Of ancient times
And superstition

The hour of witchcraft
Draws tauntingly near.
Luminescent shooting star;
Grant this viewer a solemn wish;
For life devoid of joy
Brings no hope
To winter’s heart.

Hovering in motion above the water-
There’s my favourite dragonfly;
Gossamer wings of delicate construction
To aid him in his defiance of gravity.

His tail is marked in glowing blue,
A shade lighter than the sky at midday-
And his multifaceted eyes, all seeing,
Waiting for the next meal.

Summer’s Sinister Side
A dark storm is rising, of such immense bulk-
Large shadow to enshroud all within,
Smothering the light of the heavens
In gloom, doom, I am trapped in this room,
Observer, detained in his need to watch,
Fastened, in fascination, of the unfolding events.

While outside, in Nature’s earnest grasp,
A sea of pine needles are whispering to me,
Prophesying of the moments at hand,
Where the boiling mass of churning fury
Unleashes brilliant columns of blinding pillars,
Striking-no mercy-onto the grounded folk.

Fortifying their fearful fellows follow
An endless rank of marching droplets,
Mindless in their haste to bring
Much needed quenching of a thirsting land,
Where God’s bountiful gift of life
Lies wilting and drooping in sun-scorched earth.

Behold Him thus, the Lord of Creation,
Wielding his scepter of mixed chaos,
Safe in the knowledge of living through dying,
He makes way for the new and clears the old,
Much like the purifying touch of flame
Burning a trail of fiery renewal.

The Lull After the Storm
Crystalline clear blue,
Exquisite azure lapis lazuli
Mirrored gently in the
Aftermath of His wake.

Fleecy remnants thereof
Attempt (quite uselessly) to
Hide brother sky in full glory,
Vast expanse sparkling.

Purely fresh and filtered
Air breezily flows by,
Thunder muted to
Quiet mutterings by distance.

Shortening Days
Lingering tones of earthy decay,
Together, with the richness of humidity permeate
This brisk Autumnal evening;
Haunting; the departing touch,
Of Summer’s successful overture
Once more completed in Nature’s cycle.

Man vainly struggles for inner Composure,
Surrounds himself with artificial replication
When, Unbeknownst to him,
That subliminal pleasure is awakened
Only with the fullness of Her embrace.

But what greater completion is there to be found,
When I, in energetic motion tasted
Autumn’s bounty- tart, crisp fruit
Whose very past entwines the sinuous
Downfall of Paradise Lost.

In enthrallment I was held and captured,
A willing accessory to Her needs, I viewed
With visionless senses, sampled the wares,
Drained and recharged in between two instant moments,
Cool tingling and warm sensation.

Isolated, but consoled by faithful companions-
Man’s best friends indeed! We shared,
In timeless belonging a harmonious existence
Against the still backdrop of the Sun’s departure,
Realizing, with simple clarity, I am free.

Australian Summer Mornings
In the cool of a morning- before he gets too bright,
Bedazzling sleep from the realms of the mind;
He casts upon me an auspicious light,
I greet him, customary manner in kind.

Australian Winter Mornings
Sunrise today- (a somewhat lackadaisical affair)
Filtered slowly through the mysterious veil of mist.
Covering whatever it touched with a hollow care,
The warmth of a summer ceasing to exist.