Allow me to Introduce Myselves...

My name is Elizabeth Beaumont and in this year of our lord MDXXX [1530]. I serve the Countess of Worcester, Elizabeth Browne, as a Lady in Waiting. I occasionally accompany my mistress and her husband when they attend His Majesty, King Henry VIII's court. Whilst at court we have heard much about a Lady Anne Boleyn, with whom the King has become infatuated. He has given her many lavish gifts, even her own land and title, she now styles herself as Marchioness of Pembroke. They say His Majesty plans to wed this woman and has even petitioned His Holiness Pope Leo X for an annulment. Here, in Worcester, we pray that His Majesty will soon tire of this woman and return to his poor, faithful wife, Queen Catherine, who still maintains her love for her husband despite her ill treatment. My friends who spend more time at court fear the king will do almost anything to have his way. Rumours abound amongst the common people of London that she is using witchcraft to ensnare the King's heart.

Alternatively, I could introduce myself as Elizabeth Beaumont who lives in the Barony of Politarchopolis in the Kingdom of Lochac in these Current Middle Ages.

But most of the time I am Elizabeth Walpole who lives in Canberra, Australia. I am a University Student studying a Bachelor of Arts. In my free time I am a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and in between study I try to find time to recreate historical clothing which I then wear to SCA events.

This page is maintained by Elizabeth Walpole

Known in the SCA as Elizabeth Beaumont

Last updated, 4 November 2004