E. N. Taylor's Web Site

Welcome to the one and only official website devoted to the writing of E. N. Taylor.

Sample Stories
8th November 2008

Sweet Mother Of Elvis, has it really been exactly eighteen months since I updated here?

News, schmews. Just letting you know that Shear Exhaustion, a shorty-short for the wonderful FlashShot is on its way to an inbox near you sometime in the near-ish future.

Back to doing nothing for another few months. BTW, you can now find me on FaceBook if you have a terminal social life. Just look for Ian Banks in Australia.

Catch you on the flipside.

8th May 2007

Nope, I'm not dead yet. Letting you know that FlashShot no. 1625, featuring my shorty-short story, Family monster, showed up in my inbox tonight, cheering me up re writing immensely.

12th January 2007

Welcome to 2007, folks. I'm sorry that this has come a little later than most of my New Year's welcomes, but sometimes life does that to you.

So let's start with a quick review of the writing life in 2006...

On the plus side, I had 7 new stories printed and 3 old stories reprinted. Plus I had my first non-job interview in ten years. I have one story marked for future publication.

On the negative side...

... I have one story marked for future publication. My first novel came off the market. I wrote very little. A very good friend passed away (I didn't note it here because I was upset and because any words I could add wouldn't do justice to his passing. One of my favourite writers died.

Negatives win, I'm afraid.

No resolution this year: just a wish that I can put bum on seat and tap away at a few stories. I've got a completed novel I want to sell and a half-done novel (sequel to A Stranger In The Realm, for what it's worth) that I aim to finish, plus a slew of short stories that I want to sell.

From time to time I may even post news on this website.

So until then...

2006 News
2005 News
2004 News
2003 News

If you like, take the time to email me on sibanks AT bigpond DOT net DOT au (sorry spammers - it's for my own good).

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Everything that you read in these pages is copyrighted to, or is the intellectual property of Ian Banks/ E. N. Taylor. So there.