NATCON 2002 - Warhammer 40K Competition

10.04.02 RESULTS

Numbers after Names are: total points, total victory points, discretionary points, sportsmanship points, army composition points, visual points.

01 Alan Borthwick 220 97 18 48 28 29
02 Rachel Borthwick 212 66 30 56 30 30
03 Richard Dagger 202 83 15 48 28 28
04 Craig Latta 199 83 15 44 30 27
05 Brent Regan 197 80 15 52 30 20
06 Peter Denne 195 64 22 50 30 29
07 Simon Reveley 188.5 92 10 44 20 22.5
08 Geoff Cooper 186 78 15 46 22 25
09 Jason Holland 183 68 05 56 28 26
10 Thomas Crosbie 182 68 07 54 28 25
11 Dion Rowe 181 88 -- 48 24 21
12 Andrew Stanton 179 71 05 50 28 25
13 Will Clutterbuck 178 96 -- 50 26 6
14 Kevin O'Leary 176 84 15 32 20 25
15 Peter Seque 176 93 -- 38 20 25
16 Jonathan Willis 175 83 -- 44 26 22
17 Victor Stewart 171.5 70 -- 50 26 25.5
18 Haig McLisky 171 76 -- 46 26 23
19 Bruce Manning 170 61 05 50 28 26
20 Tim Oliver 170 81 05 48 16 20
21 David Greig 169 67 05 44 28 25
22 Richard Sluis 169 77 -- 46 24 22
23 Quinton Lawson 165 74 -- 48 22 21
24 Shannon O'Leary 165 69 01 46 28 21
25 Graeme Tohill 163 71 -- 56 30 6
26 Jason Wood 162 55 05 52 28 22
27 Mark Stanton 161 54 -- 52 26 29
28 Alasdair Sinclair 160 60 7 44 25 24
29 Simon Ludemann 159 62 02 48 24 23
30 Garth Campbell 157 57 -- 48 28 24
31 Jeff McLean 155 66 -- 42 22 25
32 Anthony MacKay 152 65 -- 42 22 23
33 Glenn White 152 73 -- 34 24 21
34 Ainsley Taylor 149 56 05 46 22 20
35 Vincent Andersen 149 54 -- 46 26 23
36 Gareth Ackrill 147 81 -- 38 22 6
37 Quentin Kreft 140 56 -- 42 23 19
38 Craig Coleman 135 46 -- 42 24 23
39 Matt Rowan 131 53 -- 46 26 6
40 John Seaton 117 76 -20 38 8 15
41 Joathan Parks 82 53 -30 36 23 0
42 Daniel Maxwell 69 45 -25 32 8 9
43 David Miichell 64 15 30 10 5 4


01 Johnny Knight 227 105 20 52 26 24
02 John Campbell 174 75 10 48 22 19
03 Andrew Mattingly 154 55 -- 50 26 23
03 Tim Burton 154 64 13 36 18 23
05 Simon O'Leary 151 52 04 48 24 23
06 Sam Smith 149 70 05 44 24 6

James Mansfield (The Hive Mind)
John Davis (The Orc Warlord)
Enquiries: e-mail: James Mansfield

LATE AMENDMENTS! - 24th February

All models must be painted preferably with three or more colours.
The imperial guard tank army (Armoured Company) will be allowed.
Players are advised to email or turn up on the day with some fluff about their army.

The Basics

The tournament is still waiting for Rouge Trader Status but it is certainly the plan of the organisers for it to be so. Regardless of this it shall be run with the same spirit and intent of a Rogue Trader Tournament. As a result all non-custom built models must be Games Workshop models. Also as is a tradition for Natcon all players must supply half a tables worth of terrain.

The Background

Raan IV is a death world uninhabited for millennia and festooned with strange monoliths. Now armies from all over the galaxy and beyond have found themselves beamed there. With the realisation that only whoever controls the most monoliths will be able to leave a bitter and ferocious fight spreads across the planets surface.

The Rules

The tournament shall use 40k Warhammer 3rd edition rules as found in the black book along side with the official army codex. The following rules shall be used from the Chapter Approved book also called the second book of the astronomican:

Sisters of Battle
Putting the Tzap into Tzeentch
Crux Terminators
Space Marine Command Groups
Cult Terminators
Chaos Cultists
Dark Lord of Chaos
Transport Vehicles
Dark Elder Vehicle Upgrades
Q&A Section

A list of Chapter Approved Rules from White Dwarf that will be used will appear in the next few weeks however the second book of the astronomican has replaced most of these articles. All army lists must be handed in with registration. The referees reserve the right to return any list for any reason to be rewritten. If the player is unwilling or unable to change their list the referees are under no obligation to refund the player their registration fee.

Armies Allowed

Blood Angels
Dark Angels*
Space Wolves
Black Templars
Flesh Terrors
Chapter Approved First Founding Lists*

Craft World Eldar
Dark Eldar*<>

Speed Freaks

Iron Legions
Planetary Defence Force
Imperial Guard Variants released in White Dwarf 264

First Founding Lists*
(Note may use Cult Terminators, Chaos Cultists, Dark Lord of Chaos from Chapter Approved).

Kroot Mercenaries* (will be reviewed when released)

Genestealer Cultist (Note this list shall be revised, as there are two of them).

SISTERS OF BATTLE (from Chapter Approved).

NECRONS (from Chapter Approved)*

(Imperial armies that are allowed to may use imperial agents from the main rulebook; any assassins taken must use these rules).

* These armies are up for possible development over the next few months. Army list must be handed in with registration but if a players army list is modified by Games Workshop before the 1/3/2002 they may resubmit their army lists including changing actual army. Space marine players must supply a chapter name on submittal of their army list if a space marine chapter with that name is developed by Games Workshop before the 1/3/2002 they may resubmit their army. Note armies redeveloped in the March White Dwarf regardless of its release date will not be used.

Army Restrictions

1. No more than 2000 points.
2. The Standard force organization chart must be used.
3. HQ choices may not be taken twice for example you cannot have two chaplains.
4. Hive tyrants regardless of if they have been mutated or not, count as the same choice i.e. one hive tyrant per army (and before tyranid players complain I am a fanatical tyranid player my self).
5. Minium of four troops choices (Imperial Guard and Iron Legions exempt).
6. Any thing we decide on before the 26/2/2002


There will be two games a day. Games shall be made up of two parts the basic mission and the advanced mission. Players can be expected to do well in the tournament by achieving the basic missions but must achieve both the basic and advanced missions to excel in the tournament.

Basic Mission

The basic mission shall be based on the cleanse mission in the main rule book with the exception that break point shall be used and set up may differ as listed in the advanced mission. Holding the most table quarters as explained in the rulebook or breaking your enemey obtains victory. A victory is worth 15 points, a draw 10 points and a loss 5.

Advanced Mission

Advanced missions will differ from game to game. Players will be able to gain up to five extra victory points per game. Details of the advanced missions will be given on the day. The hope is that highly specialised armies will find some of the advanced missions easily achievable yet others all but impossible, while well rounded armies can have a crack at all the advanced missions. The advanced missions shall also develop the background and story to the tournament. A prize shall be rewarded to the player that achieves all of the advanced missions and scores the highest total score in the tournament.


Gamesmanship (painting, sportsmanship, theme etc) will be awarded up to twenty victory points per game or to the points value as required by rouge trader tournaments.

Young Bloods

Boys and girls under the age of sixteen may enter the young bloods tournament. This will be the same as above but the army restrictions shall be as follows:

1. No more than 1000 points.
2. The Standard force organization chart must be used.
3. HQ choices may not be taken twice for example you cannot have two chaplains.
4. Hive tyrants regardless of if they have been mutated or not, count as the same choice i.e. one hive tyrant per army (and before tyranid players complain I am a fanatical tyranid player my self).
5. Minimum of two troops.
6. Anything we decide on before the 26/2/2002.

Young bloods are welcome to enter the adult’s tournament. We have not decided if the Young Bloods tournament shall have advanced missions. E-mail me with your opinion.