Effects of 2 physiotherapy programs on pain perception, muscular flexibility, and illness impact in women with fibromyalgia: a pilot study.

J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Jan;32(1):84-92.
Valencia M, Alonso B, Alvarez MJ, Barrientos MJ, Ayán C, Martín Sánchez V.
Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy, University of León, León, Spain.
PMID: 19121466

OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the effect of 2 physiotherapy programs designed to improve flexibility and to reduce the impact of the illness and pain perception in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), and compared the effects of the 2 programs in the short and intermediate term.

METHODS: Twenty FMS patients were randomly assigned to 2 training groups, one following a program of kinesiotherapy and active muscular stretching and one using techniques of Global Myofascial Physiotherapy, according to the Mézières method. Both groups met twice a week for 12 weeks, for a total of 150 minutes each week. Flexibility and illness impact were measured by means of a standard test, whereas pain was assessed by means of thumb palpation. Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the program and 24 weeks after its end.

RESULTS: Patients had achieved a statistically significant reduction in the severity of the disease and improved their flexibility level by the end of the program, but had returned to initial values after follow-up. Significant differences were not observed between the 2 treatment groups in the initial values or in the results at the end of the program or after the follow-up, so neither program proved better than the other.

CONCLUSION: The FMS patients in this study improved their flexibility level and general well-being using both kinesiotherapy and stretching exercises techniques.

Kinesiotherapy was initially Corrective Therapy(pre 1964)



The word Kinesiology means "the Science of Movement".

Kinesiological information is applied in such fields as physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, exercise physiology, kinesiotherapy, massage therapy, ergonomics, physical education and athletic coaching. The approach of these applications can be therapeutic, preventive, or performance enhancing.

Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology is the application of Kinesiology for therapeutic purposes. It was developed by Dr. George J. Goodheart, an American chiropractor in 1964. Applied Kinesiology evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis. An applied kinesiology practitioner will assess the muscles in the patient's body and if any muscle is unbalanced, he or she will attempt to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The practitioner will then devise a method of treatment that will balance all of these muscles.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counseling skills, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.

Applied Kinesiology has spawned many sub-branches of diagnosis and treatment.
The underlying principle behind all these techniques is the use of muscle testing as a biofeedback technique to determine communication problems or imbalances in mind, body or spirit. Once identified the practitioner may employ a wide range of techniques to correct the imbalances identified and confirm the correction by re-testing the muscle. Some of the popular methods of therapy that build on and enhance the concepts propagated in Applied Kinesiology are Specialized kinesiology, Energy kinesiology, Touch for Health and Educational kinesiology.

What are its benefits?
Applied Kinesiology shows the practitioner how to evaluate and restore the proper functioning of the nervous system. Once this proper functioning is restored, the body's self-healing capability kicks in and enables the body to once again regulate its own health. Applied Kinesiology treats the body as a whole, so it is used to treat a wide variety of ailments such as such as accident trauma, allergies, arthritis, asthma, back ache, congestion, depression, digestive problems, dyslexia, irritable bowel syndrome, muscular aches and pains, osteoporosis, rheumatism, and skin disorders, among others.

Applied Kinesiology is also used for the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of sport-related injuries. The principles of Applied Kinesiology have also been effectively used for enhancing athletic performance.

Applied Kinesiology is also an excellent stress buster. It can help combat chronic fatigue and increases energy and concentration levels. Applied Kinesiology can also help you improve your memory and brain power.

From its inception, Kinesiotherapy has been intimately connected with physical education. George T. Stafford, Professor of Physical Education at the University of Illinois, had the following vision of CT:
"In the corrective therapy branch of physical medicine we are applying medically designed and prescribed exercises aimed toward obtaining and maintaining the best possible degree of physical fitness during convalescence from disease and/or injury. Our work is with the unaffected part. We can view this as a demand for a type of active exercise designed to affect the muscles, the heart, the lungs, the metabolic and the nervous system (sic)--to augment these parts of the body. If we stop here, we rightfully earn the title of 'muscle men.' We can also interpret our program as having to do with the emotional side of the patient. We can sense his feeling of insecurity, frustration and other psychic phenomena that accompany illness or injury. Perhaps we can appreciate the psychological trauma which results from illness or injury."
