Milton Ulladulla Family History Society Inc.

pigeon house

About Our Group


Second Sunday of each month at the Community Technology Centre, Multi Purpose Centre, Building 3, Room A, at 82 St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla, N. S.W.

General Meetings

Held February & November.  These are formal meetings with minutes, correspondence, reports, etc. before a group activity, or a talk given by a member or guest speaker, followed by afternoon tea.

Workshop Meetings

Held on each of the other months. Doors open 10.00 am and close at 5.00 pm. All our research facilities are available. Internet access is available.

Research Facilities

Our library contains reference books, other books on aspects of family research and journals. We exchange journals from 63 family history societies in Australia and U. K. Members may borrow these books (except reference) and journals on a monthly basis. We have a variety of microfiche and a growing stock of CD ROMs which can be accessed on all PCs. Broadband facilities are available on all PCs.

Each Wednesday

Between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon a member of the Society attends the Ulladulla Library at the Civic Centre, Ulladulla, to provide advice to those wishing to start their family research.

We do not carry out detailed research on behalf of the enquirer but if possible will assist with research problems.

Our Journal

"Pigeon House Tidings" is published twice a year - in June and December. This is exchanged with many other family history groups throughout Australia and United Kingdom.