also ALF on the Net, *AWARDS Page*

OSR slot cars

"For many of the criteria we use, the 'OSR Slot Cars' Website ranks high.
The site uses attractive graphics, pages load quickly, site navigation is uniform, and the site displays the excellent works of the artist to good effect.
It is our great pleasure to present the OSR Slot Cars Website with the Bronze Spirit Of The Web Award!"

I enjoyed my visit to your website very much, I am happy to give you my Gold Award.

Congratulations! You have won the Red Hot Site Award, You have a very Hot Site!
We spent a lot of time judging your site, but it was pretty obvious from the minute we first saw your site that you would win.
A great site you've got there keep on building great sites. Jim Stevens and Cathy Brokwen


You have a very good one. I would like to give you our award. It would be my pleasure
if you would accept it and display it on your site with a link back to our site. Your site really exceeded our high standards I was impressed.

I would like to take the time to personally congratulate you for having won the "World Web Award of Excellence 2004-2005"
We get approximately three thousand entries a month. Only three out of every ten entries WIN so you are in a small group of outstanding web designers.
It is always refreshing to visit a web site as well done as yours. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space You have won the "Gold Medal Web Award of Excellence" ArtSpace2000 Award for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work.

OSR, you have been given the dubious honor of winning the Funky Turtle Award For Coolness.....
for your site OSR slot cars My friend, there simply is no cooler or more sought after award on the Internet today.

Your site has everything I look for in a web site. It really was one of the Best of the Web.

That means you win our award!
Believe me, not many win our award. For you to have done so shows great talent. We would like to congratulate you for all the hard work you have obviously put into your web site.
It takes someone with a certain level of skill to design a site such as yours, and you are to be given great credit showing Artistic Ability.
Once again, let me thank you on behalf of all of us in the award staff on a job well done.

Top Site Awards
Your site was definitely better than most of the drivel that applies for my award. You really have talent I wish more
of the sites that apply for my award were as good as yours. The award name is the "Top Site Award" and I am very selective regarding who I give it to.
But as I said, you have an above average web site and I am pleased to give you my award.

The 5 Hearts Award is only given to sites that show:- Beauty, Elegance, Grace, Overall Design Quality, Great Ability of Designer,
Non-Offensive, No porn or illegal activities, No Warez or hackering stuff. So Congratulationz!! I am very happy to give you my award, you sure earned it!

Elite Site Awards
Only the very elite sites will win my sought after award.
Style, elegance, taste...these are the things that make a site truly elite. These are the things that I look for when giving out my award.
To be Elite means to be better than the best. Are you elite?

Nominee Harold's Award for Healthy Websites Nominee: Harold's Award for Healthy Websites

Aussie Awards

Slot Car Pit Stop

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Australian Slot Car Links

The Web Award for Excellence has been awarded for Web Design, Content and Concept by the WebMasters, congratulations on a job well done.

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