Heather Babysits
1998, Paris Annette Morreau
All rights reserved.  This story, or parts thereof,
may not be reproduced in any form without permission


Kelly, fresh from the shower, lotioned, powdered and
perfumed, dressed only in a baby blue lace bra and matching
bikini panties, stood in front of her wall-length closet and
stared at the clothes that were tightly packed on the rod.  When
Danny walked in, Kelly was standing barefoot, hands on her hips,
weight resting on one foot, then the other, each plump bottom
cheek peeking out of her panties.

     "Kelly, what...?"

"Hmmm?" Kelly turned around at looked at her new stepson.
She smiled at his beet-red face. She held her arms out to her
side to afford Danny a better look at the lingerie she was
wearing.  And she laughed softly.  "Have I embarrassed you,
baby?" she asked.

     Danny shook his head "no", his face still crimson. 

     "Come here, baby," Kelly said, opening her arms to him.

     Danny ran to her and Kelly wrapped her arms around him,
hugging him tightly. 

     "Were you going to ask me something, Danny?"

     Danny snuggled against his stepmother's chest, his head
resting on her full breasts.  "What time are you going out?" he

     "Right after I get dressed.  Will you help me choose
something to wear?" Kelly asked.

     Danny nodded, not moving.  Kelly laughed, her light bubbly

     "You'll have to look in the closet, baby.  That's where I
keep my clothes."

     Danny turned to the closet, without leaving Kelly's arms.
He looked only at hem lengths and chose the shortest dress he
could find; a pale yellow, light denim, sleeveless shift. 

     "Perfect!" Kelly declared and pulled the dress off of its
hanger, unzipped it and stepped into it.  It covered about half
of her firm, slender thighs.  She stepped into a pair of thong
sandals with two inch heels.  Her toenails and long, oval
fingernails were polished in a soft peach.  She ran her fingers
through her long blond hair and lightly applied lipstick that
matched her nails. 

     Danny watched the progression with rapt attention.  Kelly
turned to him and again held out her arms. 

     "Well?  What do you think?  Am I presentable?" she asked.

     Danny nodded with a beaming smile.  "You're beautiful."

     "Ohhh, baby!  Thank you!" Kelly leaned forward and kissed
his forehead.  "You're so sweet."

     Danny quickly stood on his toes and kissed his stepmother's
cheek and blushed deeply red.

     "That's the best birthday present I received tonight," Kelly
said, hugging Danny.  "Thank you, baby.  We'd better go
downstairs now.  Daddy's waiting."

     Kelly took Danny's hand and they walked out of the bedroom,
down the stairs and into the living room, where an impatient
Dominic sat waiting.  He stood when he saw his wife.  He nodded
with a slight smile.  For Dominic, that was high praise. He
looked at his son and stepdaughter.

     "It's going to be a late night, you two.  I'm still not
certain I should leave the two of you here alone." 

     "Oh, Daddy," Heather said, "we'll be fine.  Really.  I'll
take good care of my little brother," Heather said, her big blue
eyes wide open and innocent.  Her curvy body stuffed into a pair
of blue denim cut offs and a tight midriff-baring red top.

     "All right, Heather.  Your mother and I will give you this
one chance to prove yourself responsible.

     "Thank you, Daddy."

     "And, Danny, you make sure you get into bed by 9:00 p.m.
Not a minute later.  You hear me?" Dominic asked.

     "Yes, Dad," Danny murmured, already in his pajamas.

     "And I expect you to behave for Heather tonight.  I'd better
not hear a word about any wrongdoing.  Dominic looked hard at his
son.  "If I hear you misbehaved, I don't care what time we get
home, I'll pull you out of bed, turn you over my knee and spank
your bare bottom.  Understand?"

     "Yes, Dad.  I'll be good," Danny promised.

     "Don't worry about us, Daddy," Heather purred.  "We'll be
just fine."

     "No friends over tonight, Heather, and remember to behave
yourself, too.  You already know I won't hesitate to spank your
bare bottom."

     Heather kissed Dominic's cheek.  "I'll be a good girl,

     Kelly took Danny's face in her hands and kissed both of his
cheeks.  "Be good, Danny darling."

     "I will," Danny said, blushing and smiling at his pretty

     Not more than three minutes after Dominic and Kelly left,
the doorbell rang and three of Heather's friends were waiting to
come in.  Danny knew Lacey and Jana.  They had been in the
backyard, sunning themselves by the pool, and had seen Kelly
spank him for disobeying her.  This was the first time he had
seen Darby.

     "Heather, Dad said you're not supposed to have any friends
over tonight."

     "Shut up, squirt."

     "Is this your baby brother?" Darby asked the dark haired
teen.  All three of the girls were dressed in snug shorts and
brief tops.

     "Yeah, that's him," Heather said looking disdainfully at

     "We saw him get spanked," Lacey said.  "Right on his little
bare bottom."

     "It was just as white and plump as a little ball of cotton,"
Jana said and all of the girls laughed. 
     "Where was I?" Darby asked.  "I missed that scene."

     "Well, don't worry," Heather said to her friend.  "He's not
a very good little boy. I'm afraid and I might just have to spank
him tonight."

     "No, you won't.  You leave me alone," Danny said angrily.

     "Better behave yourself, Danny," Darby warned, shaking her
finger at him.

     Danny watched his stepsister and her friends go up to
Heather's room.  He retreated to the den to play a video game.
Less than 15 minutes later, Heather called down to him.

     "Danny, bring sodas up here for us.  Now!"

     "Get your own," Danny yelled back.

     "Dan nee..." Heather warned.  "Do I have to spank your bare
little bottom?"

     Danny could hear her friends giggling.  He ignored them
while continuing to play his game.  He never heard them come down
the stairs.  He did not hear them come into the den.  All he knew
was that he was being carried by four girls up the stairs and
into Heather's bedroom and he was kicking and screaming every
step of the way.

     Once in her room, Heather dropped her portion of Danny and
sat down on the bed.  The other three girls held him until
Heather was ready and then pushed and pulled Danny until he was
over Heather's knees.  One girl held his arms, two held his legs.

     "I told you to behave yourself, Danny," Heather sang.
"Instead, you have been a very naughty little boy." Heather
pulled Danny's pajamas down, uncovering his bottom.  Danny tried
to kick, but the girls holding him were strong.  He screamed and
struggled before bursting into tears.

     "I'm going to have to spank your round, white, chubby, bare
little bottom, baby brother.  And I think my friends are going to
have to help me.  You are going to need a lot of spanking."

     Heather brought her hand down, spanking Danny's bare tender
chubs with strength and energy while Danny howled. 

     "Now me!" Darby cried, letting go of Danny's arms.  She let
go of his arms and stood in front of his bottom, landing a hard
spank each time Heather raised her hand.
     "Hold his leg, Darby.  It's my turn," Jana said.  The girls
switched places and Jana spanked one small red cheek with rapid

     "It's my turn, Jana," Lacey said.  "Come back here and hold
on to him."

     The teens traded places and now it was Lacey who smacked
Danny's burning cheek while Heather spanked the other. 

     "Boy, just listen to him scream!" Jana laughed.

     "He's always crying," Heather explained, still spanking her
brother. "The least little thing happens and he cries like a

     "Come back her and hold him, Lacey," Darby said.  "I want to
spank him again."

     "Wait a minute," Lacey said, "I haven't finished with him
yet."  She bent over, held his waist, and rapidly smacked one
red, squirming cheek over and over.

     "That's enough, Lacey," Darby said.  "You've had a turn.
It's my turn again. 

     "Not yet, it isn't," Lacey told her, spanking the pudgy
chub.  "Heather, you stop and let Darby spank him.  You've had
the longest turn."

     "I don't have to take turns.  He's my brother.  I get to
spank him all night long if I want to," Heather insisted.

     Danny screamed and tried in vain to kick his legs. He arched
his back and wiggled his bottom. 

     "Stooooop!" Danny howled.  "I hate youuuuu!" he shrieked.

     "That's no way to talk to your big sister," Jana said.  "I
think he needs to be spanked harder."

     "Come on, Lacey!" Darby insisted angrily.  "Come over here
and hold him.  I can spank him harder than you can." 

     "Oh yeah?" Lacey asked.  "Watch this!" she raised her hand
as high as it would go and prepared to bring it down with all of
her strength when Heather stopped her.

     "Oh, okay, baby brother, you're finished.  Now go downstairs
and bring us some sodas,"  Heather demanded.  She pulled Danny up
off her lap and he quickly reached down and pulled up his pajamas
while each of the girls stared at him. 

     Sobbing, Danny left the room and went downstairs.  A few
minutes later, Heather called out to him.

     "What's the hold up with those sodas, Danny?  You'd better
get them up here right now!  Or we'll all spank you again."
Heather threatened and giggled with the rest of the girls.

     "Danny?  Did you hear me?" Heather shouted.  "If I have to
come downstairs, I'll use the paddle on you," Heather promised to
gales of laughter. 

     A moment later, the girls heard footsteps on the stairs.

     "Well, it's about time," Heather called out.  "You saved
yourself a paddling.  "I'll just use my hand again," she said.
She and her friends put their heads down and laughed

     When Heather and her friends looked up, Dominic was standing
in the doorway, not a single can of soda in either of his large