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Ack Willy AWL; Absent without leave.
Airships and clouds Sausages with mashed potato
Animal a term of contempt for a man (usually an Officer or NCO)
Armchair commando desk bound soldier, clerk
Atta-boys Atebrin pills for malaria prevention, taken daily under supervision of NCO
Bangers (and mash) sausages (with mashed potato)
Biscuit bombers (or bully beef bombers) Allied planes dropping supplies to forward areas, food and ammo usually.
Betty (also Betties) Japanese bomber of a particular type originally, but later any Jap bomber
Blot bum, arse, posterior, as in "sitting on his blot doing SFA"
Blow (or blow through) leave, go away
Bombo cheap wine, plonk, any low grade alcohol product 
Bomb-happy shell shocked
Bull, The Bull the boss, the best, usually the CO
Bull shit (BS) untrue, lies, propaganda, unnecessary 
Bumper sniping cleaning up (including or especially cigarette ends, called bumpers)
Burgoo porridge
Bush artillery captured artillery reused against it's former owners, usually by infantry men
Castor good, fine, OK
Charley the Bastard Boyes tank attack rifle; because of the savage recoil it had
Chook chuff powdered egg
Cut lunch Commandos Junior cadets (12 to 14 years old) (school cadets) and Senior Cadets 14 to 18.
Dead meat tickets identity disks; one to be left in the mouth of the corpse, one returned proving death
Done over wounded, tired, exhausted, beaten
Doughboy/s American soldier, originally (from WWI); dough as in soft, puffy, unbaked, not yet put to the fire but later in WWII to refer to the amount of money the Yanks had. The complaint was that they were "over-paid, over-sexed and over here"
The Deuce The Unit Second in Command OR 2 i/c, second only to the Trump (CO). Both are card game names.
Emu parade (Emu bob) line of soldiers, under the control of a junior NCO, side by side, almost shoulder to shoulder, walking slowly forwards cleaning up an area, therefore bobbing up and down to pick up litter.
February the Commanding Officer (CO), as he can inflict 28 days punishment or detention
Fart-arse about to waste time
Free chewing gum chin strap on hat
Fruit salad medal ribbons
Front the Bull be paraded in front of the CO, usually for a misdemeanor of some sort
Fuzzy wuzzy or fuzzy wuzzy angels Papuan native litter carrier or bearer who carried supplies up to the front line and wounded men back to base. Did great work and were paid almost nothing.
Get your finger out stop loafing, get busy, hurry
Get off my back leave me alone, go away, ease up on me
GI (or Gi), gee eye American fighting soldier (Gii or G2 was intelligence corps) The I, or i, was actually from the roman numeral i meaning one. So Gi was really G one (fighting corps) and GII was G two (intelligence section).
Giggle-suit army fatigue suit, loose  untidy looking work dress
Give us a break ease up, give me a chance, stop pushing me
Give the game away 1 stop, leave, give up
Give the game away 2 prematurely expose a plan
Gong/s medal/s
Gyrene American marine (USMC) from Gi + marine
Homer serious wound (bad enough to get you sent home)
Jungle juice home made wine, usually very high in alcohol content
Lance jack Lance corporal (L/Cpl), the first rank above Private (Pte).
Lurk men loafers, bludgers, men constantly trying to avoid work
Mad mile (minute) bayonet assault course
Mandrakes waterproof capes, after Mandrake the Magician, a popular comic hero who always wore one.
Nip, nips (also Japs) Japanese
On the nose unpleasant, disagreeable, bad, smelly
Panic hat steel helmet
Panic artist excitable or unstable person, particularly if an officer or NCO
Piss-pocket crawler, insincere person, flatterer (also 'pissing in my pocket'; insincerely flattering or misleading me ) and ('don't piss in my pocket'; don't try to get your way by flattering me)
Pull your head in shut up, be quiet, back off, stop bothering me
Perve artist soldier with more than a normal interest in women
RHIP Rank has it's privileges (also Rank Hath It's Privileges)
Rose bowl urinal placed between tent lines
SFA Sweet Fanny Adams (or Sweet F**k All); nothing, zip, zero
Short arm parade inspection of soldiers genitals to discover any VD infection
Shark bait disliked NCO or officer who might fall overboard from a troop ship
Shark-shit any sailor also any Digger about to go on a boat
SNAFU (snafoo) (snafu) Situation normal, all fouled up (sometimes another "F" word was used)
Snorkers, snags sausages
Stick-it (or shove it) I refuse. No. As in "stick it up your arse"
The two icky The 2 i/c, Second in Command, The Deuce
The Trump the Commanding Officer
Three striper Sergeant, from his badges of rank
Tile (Anzac wafer) army biscuit, very hard and difficult to eat.
Tin tank, Tin tanks American/s (rhymes with Yank/s)
Tojo Any Japanese. From the name of the Japanese Prime Minister and Minister for War who had worked hard to push Japan into the war against former allies.
Up shit creek in bad trouble (sometimes "up shit creek without a paddle") also ("up shit creek in a barbed wire rowboat")
Weekend Warriors CMF (before they were mobilized) from the fact that they did mostly weekend only training
Woodpecker Japanese machine gun, from the distinctive noise they made
Yank, Yankee American
Zebra Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) because of the stripes of rank
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