The fortnightly meetings are all about providing a forum for meeting new guys and making friends. While our meetings don't start until 7.30 pm, we set up at 7.00 pm. So please join us early for tea or coffee so that you can say hello to everyone before we commence. There's also a 20-minute supper break in the middle of the meeting, but it's often not enough time to really catch up with everyone. So after meetings we regularly meet at a nearby bistro-bar for a few laughs, idle banter, social beverages and an all-too-often poorly played game of pool.


The meetings themselves commence with Young Bucks news. New members are introduced to the group, gay community news is discussed and social events are advertised. Also, this is usually when the Newsletter and Contact Lists are distributed. The rest of the meeting is occupied by the discussion topic, facilitated by our convenor. We aim to provide a diverse range of topics to meet the changing needs of our larger and increasingly diverse membership; members nominate many of these. Occasionally, we also invite guest speakers to provide "general information" evenings (egs. About Living with HIV+, Satellite Media). Please speak with Michael if you have ideas for discussion topics or wish to invite someone to the group. Maybe you're interested in preparing and chairing a one-off discussion session yourself?


Given the very personal nature of some topics, everyone should feel comfortable and confident to freely express their views. Therefore, it's important that everyone understands that what is said by anyone during discussions is not be repeated outside the group. Also, if you feel awkward about answering any question, you may reserve the right to "pass".


Unfortunately, Young Bucks does not receive external funding. We rely on each member paying six dollars on arrival (at the supper table) at every meeting to help us meet the costs of hall hire, the public liability insurance policy, supper, stationary, newsletter printing and our advertisements.