The Rumour File!!!!!

Shhhhhhh don't tell ne one but........!!!

Welcome to the rumour file! if u keep checking this page... rumour has it that u'll find out some pretty kewl stuff!!!

Youth Exec camp!!!!!

It's so special its made it onto two pages!! every body now (oooh ahhhhhh!!) thats better!!!
Rumour has it....... that youth exec camp is gonna rock!!!! that there may be a bit of dressing up... a bit of going insane and a bit of bad karaoke!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Youth Exec taking over Government House?

Has anyone else heard the rumours that Youth Exec will be completely taking over Government House come October 13th??? Rumour has it that so many old and new Youht Exec people have finished their Queen's Guides in the last year that they will completely overshaddow everyone else!! HA!!! imagine that!! And to think i thought they were all shy!!!!

Suprise attack on Guide Centre???

Rumour has it...... that a few crazy youth exec girls are planning a sleepover at Guide Centre the night of State QG presentations. Does everyone think this is a good idea??? And will the Guide Centre pplz be brave enough to let them reak havok for one night????? stay tuned for more info.....

What the???? an I WONDER- Raskal sleepover'????

Rumour has it... that there's a crazy raskal among us!!!! Apparantly she's planning an I WONDER sleepover for her unit, and she's inviting all the youth exec people too!!! This sneaky lil gal also plans to use it to see how many wierd and wacky things everyone can do.... she has a list of 50 things to do so far. These include 'i wonder how many balloons it will take to fill the den?' 'i wonder how many steps it is to maccas?' 'i wonder how long it will take the rest of the district to notice if we re-arrange the kitchen?'
I wonder how many Youth Exec memebr will be brave enough to turn up???
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