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Cassidy's X-Rays

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Please note, it is Cassidy's left hip which is the worse affected. As most of these x-rays are reversed, it usually appears on the right side.

The first Royal Children's Hospital x-ray of Cassidy's hips (not very clear).Taken at about 2 years old.

In hip Spica after Open Reduction on left hip.

At about 4 years old.

After Bi-lateral Femoral Osteotomy at 6 years old. The plates & screws are still in place.

At 10 years old -legs together.

At 10 years old -legs apart.

At 11 years old.

At 11 years old, with surgeon's markings of intended Triple Pelvic Osteotomy visible.

Very clear Cat Scan taken at 12 years old, just before Triple Pelvic Osteotomy.

After Triple Pelvic Osteotomy at 13 years old, with plate & screws permanently in place.

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