Segmentum Pacificus; Agriworld Zealandia; Christos Island; 04/04/42001; 2005 Hours; Thought for the Day: Blessed are The Believing for Belief is Reward.

Landraiders and Predators face Stompas

This is a report of a 1000 point introductory game I played against Nick Grant on 04/04/01. We used standard Epic40k rules with FP 1 amendments, and a few house rules. The figures and scenery are all mine (except for Nick's lovely green cloth!) and it took just over 2 hours including stuffing about with light sources, babysitting, and getting dice and drinks etc off the table for the photos.


(Warlord) Warlord in Stompa, Weirdboy in Battlewagon, 2 Stompas, 3 Battlewagons (Tactical) Captain with Jump-packs, Librarian with Jump-packs, 4 Terminator units, 4 Tactical units
(Wagonz) Warboss in Battlewagon, Weirdboy in Battlewagon, 12 Battlewagons, 2 Lifta-Droppas (Armour) 5 Landraiders, 4 Predators
(Gunz) Warboss, 4 Nobz, 8 Big Gunz (Support) 4 Devastator units, 2 Rhinos, 4 Whirlwinds
(Boyz) Warboss, Weirdboy, 4 Nobz, 4 Stormboyz, 4 Pulsa Rokkitz, 8 Gretchin (Scouts) 4 Scout units, 4 Dreadnoughts


Turn 1

The Orks advance, the Wagonz dumping the Gunz near the closest building, with the Warlord following close behind. The Boyz march forward through the ruins in front of them.

The Marines march forward occupying the ruins to their front. The Armour detachment swings to the Marine right while the Support detachment swings to the left.


Turn 2

The Ork Gunz move into the building (counts as fortifications). The Wagonz and Warlord move on assault orders further to the right. The Boyz, nervous of the large number of marines in front of them, move to their right to make sure they stay in cover.

The Marine Predator Tanks advance on overwatch while the Landraider Tanks fall back ready to swing over to the marine left. The Scouts and Dreadnoughts hold tight on overwatch. The Support Devastators disembark from their Rhino Transports into the ruins to the Marine left.

The Gunz and Scouts exchange fire on with the Scouts losing two squads for no loss on the Gunz's part. The Predators open fire killing a Gretchin mob.


Turn 3

The Boyz and Gunz are on overwatch orders with the Boyz advancing into the ruins in front of them. The Wagonz and Warlord continue their outflanking on assault orders.

Most of the Tactical detachment boards the Landraiders as the Marine right flank advances on assault orders. The Scout and Support detachments hold on overwatch orders.

The Support detachment fires on the assaulting Wagonz killing 4 Battlewagons and a Lifta-Droppa. The Wagonz return fire killing a Devastator. The Scouts and Dreadnoughts fire at the Warlord killing the 3 battlewagons and the Weirdboy. Shooting from the Gunz and Stompaz kills another Scout Squad and a Dreadnought. The Armour detachment kills a Nobz Mob and more Gretchin from the Boyz. The Boyz own shooting is ineffective.

The Tactical detachment assaults the Boyz, with two Terminator squads, the Captain and the Librarian making it into contact and the rest of the Tactical detachment moving up in support. The Marines win killing more Gretchin and a Pulsa Rokkit for no losses on their own side. The Boyz break and run.

Meanwhile the Wagonz charge the Support Detachment killing the last 3 Devastators and a Rhino and causing the Support detachment to break and retreat.

The Marines gain an objective, have broken the Boyz, and the Warlord detachment is at half strengh. The Marines have two detachments at half strength. The Marine Support detachment rallies, the Boyz keep running. Morale for both sides is at 50%.


Turn 4

The Orks detachments all hold on overwatch except for the Boyz who keep running.

The Tactical detachment keeps assaulting while the Armour detachment advances to target the Gunz. The remants of the Support and Scout detachments are on overwatch orders.

The Support and Scout detachments kill more of the Wagonz while the Wagonz destroy a Rhino and a Whirlwind. The Stompas kill another Dreadnought. The remaining Lifta-Droppa in the Wagonz detachment lifts and drops a Dreadnought onto a Scout Squad wiping out the Scout detachment. The Armour detachment fires at the Gunz killing two Nobz Mobs. The Gunz shoot mainly at the Tactical detachment but fail to do anything more than place blast markers.

The Tactical detachment assaults the Gunz killing a Nobz Mob and a Big Gun, and losing a Tactical Squad. The Gunz break and flee and the Marines gain their second objective. The Ork Wagonz gain an objective but it is not enough to save the Orks. The Wagonz and Warlord are at half strength and the Boyz still have lots of blast markers on them. The Ork morale falls to 0 while the Marines are on 10. Game Over.