ME :: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

CFS :: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

FM :: Fibromyalgia

ME/CFS/FM Support Association Queensland Inc..

Tropical North Queensland Support Group
No 10, Nov/Dec 2005.

Here we are, getting closer to the end of another year. It seems just a short time ago we printed the first Newsletter, and here we are at issue number 10!.

Life can be difficult with our condition, and relapses in energy and cognitive function can test our resolve to the extreme. Yours truly can bear testimony to that battle during the last 6 months!


  · Gwen Hemmerton has stood down from her proactive involvement in the Innisfail area. She has agreed to be a contact person, and to share her expertise with fibromyalgia.

  · The Townsville group are having their annual wind-up at their meeting on 17th November. The meetings will change to monthly, and resume on the third Thursday in February. Please feel free to contact Mara or Ashley if you need information or social interaction.

  · The Cairns meetings have been moved. Our use of the Earlville library meeting room has terminated. We will try using the Stratford Community Centre, adjacent to the Library, for a time. This may cause travel problems, so please advise us if you will need transport to the venue.

  · The Innisfail meeting, for December, will be at the Brothers Leagues Club, in the upstairs Boardroom. The club is the only venue offered to us for free in support of our group.


Bulk billing doctors in the far North are very scarce. Those of us on Centrelink payments cannot afford to pay the fees some doctors are charging. Getting effective medical treatment is proving to be almost as elusive. Some of our people attended our local Public Hospital to try and get treatment, but after a few clinic appointments were told to “Go to your GP!”. So much for our former Minister’s advice.

One lady complained to us about CFS treatment from a particular doctor, so we visited there to get the story first-hand, and to negotiate a better deal. After explaining the situation, the doctor was happy to read our CFS Practitioner’s Kit, and on subsequent visits has provided improved treatment options!

We wrote to another large medical practice manager about CFS treatment, and requested bulk-billing. This certainly raised management’s awareness of our condition, but were unable to “negotiate” a deal with the medical centre about fees. The practice policy is NO bulk billing except for aged pensioners. It seems the Government payment to bulk-billing doctors of $7 or $8 above the going rate is not enough. Why do they want more? Are they in business, or are they there to promote health?

“Munchausen syndrome by proxy”. Finally the originator of this barbaric practice against parents of sick children has been brought to account. Professor Sir Roy Meadow has been deregistered for “serious professional misconduct” because of tendering “misleading” evidence in a Court case.


The Queensland Association needs our support.

They can only operate successfully if we join with them as financial members.

This Newsletter continues to be posted out to you using subsidies from the State office. Otherwise postage costs would have to come out of my pension payments, or we would have to charge a fee to pay for postage of the Newsletter. We have enclosed another Membership form with this Newsletter for those of you who have not yet joined. It is only $20 a year!


Our library continues to grow each month.
We are continually gathering interesting health information and articles available for your use. Some of these may not be copyright, and can be reproduced. The rest can be borrowed for short periods.


As mentioned previously, our ever-growing BOOK library has become too large to carry to every meeting. We propose to have Library lists available at every meeting, and Area Contacts will also have copies. Books are available for lending, but borrowers must pay for postage.


We have developed a number of Power Point presentations suitable for showing at meetings. At times, these will be publicised in advance for your convenience. If there is any particular presentation you would like to see, please phone the presenter, Neil Reynolds, to ensure he brings the Laptop and Projector to the meeting! Subjects available at present:


We have difficulty keeing up with all the needs of coordinating this growing support network. We already have lots of Area Contacts, and a Webmaster. But we also need help with the Newsletter, and the mailouts, and collecting and collating new info and books. Any Volunteers please?


The support group, and the CFS movement, needs your help! Enclosed with this Newsletter, please find CFS Meeting Posters. Can everybody please find a suitable place near where you live, to display them? In most communities there are Notice Boards that can be used. Meeting Calendars are on the site's calendar page or attached to your email.

Please feel free to call local contacts:
Atherton: Neil Reynolds 4091 2970 email
Ravenshoe: Les Buglar 4097 0132
Smithfield: Peter Cummins 4057 5920 email
Lake Eacham: John Cuff 4095 3063 email
Cairns: Neville Pedler 4053 6187 email
Mourilyan: Gwen Hammerton 4063 2334 email
Gordonvale: Irene Murgatroyd 4056 1148
Mossman: Sue Dennis 4098 1637
Helen Steley 4098 8143 email
Cardwell: Joy Dickson 4066 0178 email
Townsville: Mara Hogan 4779 2478 email
Mareeba: Chrystel Venturi 4092 3287


People receiving this Newsletter by email: To help transmission, this Newsletter is in "plain text" format, without the logo and original formatting. If you would like the full version, please ask for one at the meetings.

Disclaimer: Please note that any information provided is given in the interests of sufferers. No liability can be accepted, as we do not intend the information to replace professional medical help and treatment.

Copyright: Information provided and distributed by this group has been given for the education and training of the disabled. This material may be subject to copyright, and as such the user is only permitted to retain documents for their own use. Any other use must be approved by the copyright holders.

Chemicals: Many people attending meetings are sensitive to chemicals and scents. For the comfort of others, please refrain from wearing perfume, strong scented soaps, or agricultural chemicals to the meetings. If you need to smoke, please leave the smell at home, and don't bring it with you on your clothes.

Newsletter archive | Feb 2005 | May 2005 |August 2005
2004 Newsletters still avialable on our old site.

"Fair Use" notice, if you wish to copy, reproduce or otherwise use material contained at this site; PLEASE READ.

ME/CFS International Awareness Day