Welcome to TGIF's new game.
tgiftriviaforadults· TGIF' Can you carry a tune


TGIF's newest game is easy,


Take one of the words from the title of the previous song and think of another song that also uses that word in the title.

Portions of words, that are words in their own right, are allowed. (Therefore, if someone posts, "Unforgettable" as a title, any other title with "forget" in it is acceptable for the next play.)

Before you post your title, you must be able to think of at least one other song that uses one of the words in your own post. If you cannot think of another such title, then your play is not valid! This will avoid the game's "stalling" if everyone is stumped!

If the game stalls and no one is able to think of another song title within 24 hours that is based on the last title you posted, then any of the other players has the right to "challenge" you to post another title based on your previous post.

If you are honestly stumped for a title, then first lines of songs are acceptable, in lieu of titles. (For instance, you are allowed to post the first-line "Dashing through the snow" if you cannot remember the proper title "Jingle Bells." Also, first-line "Dashing through the snow" will be an acceptable response to the title "Let It Snow.")

When you post your song title or first-line, try to post the name of the person who wrote it ~or~ the name of any artist that recorded it. This is so we can be sure nobody is making up stuff ~and~ so we can all become more educated about the music to which we listen!

You cannot play twice in a row, you have to wait for someone else to take a turn before you have your next turn.

Can you carry a tune?

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