Poem 13 (new)
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Poem 82 (new)


I'm here in prison once again
Do you feel my aguish, feel my pain?

No happiness here, no laughter, no mirth
Here to spend time in hell on earth

Bang it in your ass at night I hear
As prison guards patrol the tier

Then morning comes can't lie in bed
Muster up time for work instead

So we work and work we slave away
It's how we spend a prison day

Then after work we muster again
Each day no change there all the same

So muster up, it's tea time now
It's time to eat this prison chow

Now muster up, it's time for bed
They lock us down after counting heads

The night-time comes and goes so slow
Tomorrow will be the same you know

Nothing in here ever changes
Only the lives it rearranges

Monotonous, tedious, boring to the bone
Just time in prison spent alone

I'm in prison no one cares or knows
I am the self consumer of all my woes

Written by Dave kerr 10/2/97
poem13 bw prison