Poem 13 (new)
Poem 16 (new)
Poem 26 (new)
Poem 62
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Poem 82 (new)


On my way home that saturday night
The shit hit the fan and I got into a fight

I was attacked, by two so called mates
They kicked and they punched me, I was in quit a state

I screamed, get off me and leave me alone
I was battered and bruised, just wanted to go home

They were doing great damage,I was in heaps of strife
So I reached into my pocket and pulled out a knife

They still didn't stop, they wanted to start
So I stabbed one of these men five times in the heart

But now I was angry and that would't do
So I stabbed him in the kidney and in the lungs to

They say when I'm angry that's how it goes
So I grabbed hold of his mate and cut of his nose

There was blood every-where and men screaming in pain
But I wasn't finished I cut him again

And then I arrived home about quarter past four
Five minutes after, the cops knocked on my door

You're under arrest they said, looked me straight in the eye
One man's cut up bad, the other might die

But nobody died there both alright
And I'm here in prison because of that fight

In Beechworth prison I sit doing time
They say that's my penalty for my violent crime

written by david kerr 15/2/97 poem26